Bibione's Surroundings:

The origins of Verona are bound to the ancient civilization from Veneto and to the Gaulish and Rhaetian civilizations, but its foundation dates back to 49 B.C., during the Roman domination, that went on until the first century A.D. In the fourth century Christianity established itself thanks to St Zeno, bishop of the town. After the Roman domination Verona faced a period of great splendour during the reign of Theodoric (489-526), that preceded the Longobard dominion of King Alboino. Moreover, Verona is famous as the birthplace of important figures, as Valerius Catullus and Vitruvio and it is also the town of Charlemagne and of his son Pipino. In 1136 the town became a Comune and took part in the fights between communes and empire. Otherwise, during the Middle Ages, Verona went under the rule of the Della Scala Family, who were imperial vicars and later gave hospitality to Dante in his “first exile”. During the Venetian domination, Verona cultivated the intellectual and cultural aspects and became a fixed destination for thinkers and artists as Goethe, Heine, Stendhal and Valery, in a period of peace that lasted until 1797. Finally, in October 1866, the population of Verona chose to join the Kingdom of Italy and followed the events of their own country.
The origins of Verona are bound to the ancient civilization from Veneto and to the Gaulish and Rhaetian civilizations, but its foundation dates back to 49 B.C., during the Roman domination, that went on until the first century A.D. In the fourth century Christianity established itself thanks to St Zeno, bishop of the town. After the Roman domination Verona faced a period of great splendour during the reign of Theodoric (489-526), that preceded the Longobard dominion of King Alboino. Moreover, Verona is famous as the birthplace of important figures, as Valerius Catullus and Vitruvio and it is also the town of Charlemagne and of his son Pipino. In 1136 the town became a Comune and took part in the fights between communes and empire. Otherwise, during the Middle Ages, Verona went under the rule of the Della Scala Family, who were imperial vicars and later gave hospitality to Dante in his “first exile”. During the Venetian domination, Verona cultivated the intellectual and cultural aspects and became a fixed destination for thinkers and artists as Goethe, Heine, Stendhal and Valery, in a period of peace that lasted until 1797. Finally, in October 1866, the population of Verona chose to join the Kingdom of Italy and followed the events of their own country.